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Registration form

Please, fill in the following data. Friday 28/10, LAST DAY FOR REGISTRATION! If you have any problem please contact local committee through the "Need help for registration"

Role in the conference  

Poster presentation extras

Poster presentations. An extra table and plug socket is available for those requesting them to run additional demonstrations / laptops / etc. Please tick the box if you need these extras.

Conference fees

Early registration: 350 € (before October, 20th)

Late registration: 400 €

Each paper in the conference needs to have at least one different author registered.

After submitting this form you will receive an email with information to complete the payment.

Invoice data

If you need an invoice and/or certificate please fill in your data as you wish it to appear.


Based on availability, presenters can be eligible for a grant to cover travel and accommodation. Please, tick the following box if you want to apply for this grant.


Please, review that all the information given is correct.