Summary of the event
Welcome to the conference
Hardware security and trust have become critical issues in the last years for many embedded systems applications ranging from small RFID tag to satellites orbiting the earth. Applications requiring security such as public services, communication, control and healthcare keep growing, however hardware devices that implement cryptography functions have become the Achille’s heel.
In December 2012, we started a new COST action called TRUDEVICE, aiming at creating a European network of competence and experts on all aspects of hardware security and trust including design, manufacturing, testing, reliability, validation and utilization. This network has played a key role in developing solutions responding to the hardware security challenges, hence strengthening the position of Europe in the field.
In the last 4 years we organized 6 workshops (in Avignon – France, Freiburg – Germany, Amsterdam – The Netherlands, Grenoble – France, Saint Malo – France, Dresden – Germany), 2 training schools (in Lisbon – Portugal, and Leukerbad – Switzerland), and 38 Short Terms Scientific Missions (i.e., exchange visits between researchers involved in a COST Action, allowing scientists to visit an institution or laboratory in another COST country)
On behalf of the General Chair, the Organizing Committees, the Management Committee, and the Working Group Leaders, I would like to welcome you to the Final TRUDEVICE Conference, the ending event of our Action devoted to presenting and discussing scientific trends, emerging results, hot topics, and applications in the area of hardware security and trust. This conference is held in Barcelona (Spain).
I want to thank everyone who enabled this conference and, more in general, this Action: the vice-chair of the Action, Ilia Polian; the organizers of this final conference Salvador Manich, Rosa Rodríguez, Daniel Arumí, Pedro Peris-Lopez; the STSM chair Viacheslav Izosimov; the Working Group leaders Marie-lise Flottes, Said Hamdioui, Lilian Bossuet, Paris Kitsos, Bernd Becker, Bruno Rouzeyre, Viktor Fischer, Nele Mentens, Lejla Batina, Nicolas Sklavos; the organizers of the training schools Ricardo Chaves and Francesco Regazzoni; the Management Committee members; all the authors, presenters, moderators who contributed in previous events. A successful TRUDEVICE would have not be possible without individual contributions of all of you.
Enjoy this last event of TRUDEVICE!
Giorgio Di Natale
TRUDEVICE Action Chair
LIRMM − CNRS (France)
The Conference in Numbers
- Number of attendees: 90
- Number of works in the conference: 54
- Oral presentations: 23
- Poster presentations: 31
- STSM grant presentations: 4
- Invited speakers: 2
Works by topics
- PUFs and TRNG: 12
- Validation and Evaluation / Detection of malicious components: 11
- Fault attack injection, detection and protection / Reconfigurable devices for secure functions: 19
- Manufacturing test of secure devices / Reverse engineering countermeasures / Hardware Trojans in IPs and ICs / Other topics: 12
Participants by countries
Some pictures of the event
Session room
Supercomputer MareNostrum
Cultural visit